Well many of you have signed up to receive my Strong at Home Workouts.  So far I am aiming to send out 3 each week, with an email description of what you are to do in your own home.  Many of you are subscribing to this service and giving me lots of great feedback.  You are also sending me pictures of your workout space and of you getting the workout done.  Some of you call your friends once you have finished the workout for you own accountability and some of you send me a quick not to let me know how it went.  I love hearing from all of you as it inspires me to continue doing this for you.  If you haven’t yet subscribed just send me a direct email (bleithcampbell@gmail.com) and I will add you to my list!

Incase you get tired of my videos, I thought I would share with you 2 pretty amazing videos that have been shared with me.  They will definitely brighten your day!

Video No. 1


Video No. 2




6 thoughts on “Strong at Home Video Workouts

  1. Hi Bonnie, I just got home from Portugal and now have 11 more days of isolation. Just had a look at the two workout videos you posted. OMG, funny but not!

    When doing my workout alone in my bedroom it is like I am at the gym as I hear your voice, do the exercises but miss everyone. Working with a partner or team just seems to spur you on. In one exercise, can’t remember which one, I almost decided to do say 3 sets instead of 5 as I was getting tired but then thought of being in the classes and I never did that, so sucked it up and did all the sets.

    No one knows how long this pandemic will last, but thanks so much to you and Evan for doing this for all of us. It is really appreciated. Hope to be back in the gym with everyone soon.

    All the best, Bonnie

    Sent from my iPad



    1. Hi Bonnie!!! Welcome home!! I hope your trip went well and that you are well and stay well!! Yes, I know how important it is to be in a class – it really does change our motivation and energy. At home it is so easy to do less or not at all. Keep at it! Send me a note when your are done. Get Pete to try it with you!


  2. Thanks Bonnie – keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously. Just what I needed. Now that I know what isolation is like – I’ve had enough.

    Your workouts have been so helpful both physically & mentally. I look forward to hearing your familiar calm voice. Thank you so much for doing it.



  3. Hi Bonnie, I finally got myself into a rhythm by setting an alarm on my phone for 10am every day which is “class time”. I now go downstairs and attend your class. Yes it is just me but with your voice it is a real class. Thank you and Evan so much for doing such a fantastic job. The screen with the details is great so we can pause there and keep track of what we are to do. We do miss the FFL classes of course, but with your help we can workout. You have trained us well and still continue to do so and for that we are so appreciative.
    Also, love seeing your beautiful dogs!
    Mary Armstrong


    1. HI Mary!!

      Setting an alarm is such a great idea! Well done! Finding some sort of routine and structure in our day is important and the alarm certainly helps achieve it. Keep it up and looking forward to being able to have our classes in person again!


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